Tuesday, October 13, 2009

End of the Soccer Season

Chris playing goalie

Chris is number 11

Chris has been playing soccer this fall. It went really well for his team they won all but one game which they tied. The group of boys on his team played really well together and it was a lot of fun to watch. He will play with the same team again in the spring which will be nice for them to be able to play for two seasons together. His coach did a great job! Chris wasn't able to make it to all the practices because he has scouts at the same time so we decided to split it up. I was the assistant coach for his team this season, which was fun to do. Chris did a great job. He was able to get a chance at playing all the positions. He really enjoyed playing goalie and mid. I think for the first time the season got over before he was ready for it to.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Soccer season is so fun, but I am glad to have it over!! Life is so crazy during soccer!